April 30th- May 2nd, 2015
Grace Fu Palma, CEO of China Med Device, bridging Western medical devices with funding partnership and commercialization to China, will be at the American Society of Breast Surgeons annual meeting in Orlando April 30th to May 2nd to help promote early breast cancer detection with molecular imaging for China market. Molecular imaging or BSGI for early breast cancer detection is functional imaging at the cellular level. It complements the anatomic imaging modality of MRI, mammography and ultrasound in dense and fatty breasts diagnosis with 95% negative predictive value. Asia has more than twice the number of dense breast women than in the West. Molecular imaging or BSGI is a very important diagnostic and monitoring to imaging modality for early breast cancer detection to complement MRI, mammography and ultrasound. Please feel free to contact her at gpalma@chinameddevice.com if you are interested in learning more.