October 5th, 2015
Grace Fu Palma, CEO of China Med Device (www.chinameddevice.com), successfully moderates the panel on China Healthcare System at the New England Healthcare Executive Meeting on October 5th, 2015 in Waltham, MA.
China, one of the fast growing economies, brings countless opportunities to the Western medical device businesses, especially when the Chinese government has been establishing a series of regulations to boost the national healthcare system.
China Med Device, with seasoned bilingual and bicultural staffs, enables Western medical device companies to enter and expand the market in China through commercialization and funding partnerships
Covered Topics:
- Overview of China Healthcare Structure, needs and Business Entry Process
- China’s Healthcare Growth and Market Opportunities
- 2020 Health Initiatives
- China medtech landscape
- Funding and investment opportunities for U.S. companies in China
- CFDA Regulatory Changes and Trends
- Should you be concerned about your IP